Always dry fit your joints prior to solvent cementing. I can’t tell you how many times I had to cut out my freshly glued joints because something further down the line didn’t properly fit.
Plumbing Tips & Tricks #5
Not all leaks happen immediately after cementing a joint. Check on all joints immediately after pressurizing, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours and the next day to ensure the joint has properly seated and sealed.
Plumbing Tips & Tricks #3
You can fix glue joints that have slow leaks (slow to moderate drip) by draining the water line and creating a negative pressure in the system. (Attach shop vac or vacuum to a pipe.) Once your negative pressure is established dabble on some primer onto the joint, which will be sucked into the leak to […]
Plumbing Tips & Tricks #2
If working on a water line and the shut off valve is out of sight, always work in pairs. Phone your partner before you turn the water back on in the case one of your joints did not properly seal. That way you can stop any flooding before too much damage can be caused.